Jazz Workshop I

Organizer: Pay Fong High School Symphonic Band

Date:     2nd July 1:30pm – 6pm

                3rd July 9am – 6pm

Venue: Pay Fong High School Huai Xuan Auditorium



  • Jazz History and Styles
  • Different between Classical and Pops, Rock and Jazz
  • Practical of Jazz music

Who should attend this workshop?

  • who can read score and play musical instrument
  • who want to know more about special techniques and notation of jazz
  • who want to play pops, rock and jazz out of classical style
  • Who is going to form jazz band


2nd July

1:30pm – 3:00pm              Registration (come early to enjoy the movie about Jazz)

3:00pm – 6:00pm              History and everything about Jazz

3rd July (bring your own instrument on this day)

9:00am – 12:00pm           Jazz Styles in Theory

12:00pm – 2:00pm           Lunch (Movie showing during lunch)

2:00pm – 6:00pm              Practical on Jazz music

6:00pm                                 Finish

Ticket: RM15 per pax included music material

3rd July Lunch can be arranged by organizer (RM6/pax without drinks) pls bring lunch box if you don’t want to arrange food by us. During lunch time will show movie.