“培风” 二字源于庄子 《逍遥游》 ,
取其 “如鹏鸟抟扶摇而上九万里,前程无可限量” 之意。
“培风” , 是一个美丽的名字,含义深长。
汤都督极力鼓励赶快创设学堂,并代命名 “培风”,此即本校命名之由来。
Pay Fong Middle School is a centennial school in the heritage site of Malacca. It is a private and coeducational school which was established in 1913. Being the only Chinese independent school in Malacca, Pay Fong Middle School is shouldering a significant role in the propagation and inheritance of Chinese education and traditional cultures. Apart from that, we do pay much attention to the nurture and development of community-based and international relationship so that the influences of education can be maximized to the largest extent to benefit the society.